Becoming a Member of the Church
Becoming a Member of the Church
Author: Amanda Drury
From discount stores to libraries to roadside assistance clubs, most of us carry membership cards to a number of organizations. Those memberships connect us to a larger community. Likewise, membership in a local church connects you to the larger community of faith. In this study you will be invited to receive the gift of membership in this local church--a Wesleyan congregation. The D-Series provides basic, easy-to-apply small group studies on six essential topics for spiritual growth. Together, these six studies will form a ladder leading the believer from the point of conversion to involvement in ministry. Each four-session study is Bible based and follows the learning pattern of addressing head (mind), heart (emotions or affective reasoning), hands (action), and habits (spiritual practices).
About the Author:
Amanda Drury is a Professor of Theology and Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University. She has a B.A. from Indiana Wesleyan and an M.Div. and Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary.