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Listening for God through Ephesians

Listening for God through Ephesians

Lectio Divina, Latin for divine reading, is a series of Bible studies that calls Christians to slow down, read Scripture, meditate on it, and prayerfully respond as they "listen to God" through His Word. The book of Ephesians was written to a group of believers in the city of Ephesus who Paul had helped to come to faith in Christ. Ephesus was under Roman occupation, captured by the cosmopolitan culture, immorality and idolatries of paganism. The text lifts us into the lofty heights of doctrinal truth and spiritual blessing, and then plunges us into the day-to-day experience of applying that doctrine in the realities of life in this world. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter that you might be assured of your position in Christ; aware of your privileges, armed against the powers and principalities of this world, and able to live with a bit of heaven on earth.

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