Multiethnic Conversations for Kids
Multiethnic Conversations for Kids
Authors: Mark DeYmaz, Oneya Fennell Okuwobi
Did you know you can help answer one of Jesus' prayers?
Jesus prayed In John 17 that we would all be one. He wasn’t talking about squishing all of us into one body, but each of us learning to act, live, and agree with others in unity—so that people from all over the world would believe in Jesus and be saved. This book can help you learn to do that!
This book is structured for grownups to have meaningful conversations with their elementary kids as they read together twenty-one Bible stories about being in one purpose. Living in unity—despite differences—is a goal of Jesus’ prayer to His Father.
About the Authors:
Mark DeYmaz is the founding pastor and directional leader of the Mosaic Church of Arkansas and the cofounder and President of the Mosaix Global Network. He is the author of Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church and Leading a Heathy Multi-Ethnic Church.
Oneya Fennell Okuwobi serves as the Director of Cultural Inclusion at Peoples Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. She also directs City Cohorts for the Mosaix Global Network.