A Commentary for Bible Students
Author: Phillip A. Bence
Essential to grasping the rest of the New Testament, Acts demonstrates how Christ continued His ministry on earth through the Holy Spirit and in the building of the church.
An excellent resource for personal study, and especially helpful for those involved in the teaching ministries of the church, the Wesley Bible Commentary series will encourage and promote life change in believers by applying God's authoritative truth in relevant, practical ways. Written in an easy-to-follow format, you will enjoy studying Scripture insights that are faithful to the Wesleyan-Armenian perspective.
About the Author:
Phil Bence is a retired ordained Wesleyan pastor living in Idaho. He is the former site director for McMaster Divinity College's Doctor of Ministry program based in Houghton, New York, and missionary teacher at Kingsley College in Melbourne, Australia. He and his wife, Kathy, have two adult daughters and three nearly adult grandsons.